Healthy Dog Food Options Matter!

Are you on your phone, browsing dog treats?  You may be standing in the treat aisle of your local pet store.  Either way, is your first choice to grab the same ‘ole bag of treats?  “Oh, these are their favorite!  I need to get these.” Keep in mind that the entire aisle is full of options.  Some are much healthier …

Dog Behavioral Patterns

According to the MTA-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group in Budapest, Hungary, dogs exhibit episodic memory. Meaning they can repeat things that we do.    Over time, dogs were shown an activity, like jumping in the air, and then asked to perform the same activity with the command, “Do it!” While you may consider this training, the sessions were next followed …

The Facts About Fostering

A foster home, in the simplest of terms, is a temporary safe haven for a rescued dog that is not yet ready to be adopted. However, there is a lot more to fostering a dog than simply providing a roof over its head. The following provides a bit about fostering, what to expect, and how to get involved in area …

canine down time

Canine Downtime

Have you ever given thought to how valuable your sense of smell is? You know how that distinct scent of pine makes you think of Christmas? What about the wafting smells from the kitchen of warm cookies and turkey in the oven? Take right back to holiday memories in an instant? Dogs have 50 times more olfactory receptors than humans. …

Dog in the snow

How to Keep Your Dog Warm in the Winter

How to Keep Your Dog Warm in the Winter Let’s face it, some of us have dogs that are better suited for cold weather than others. Huskies, St. Bernard’s, and even Retrievers are much more adapted to colder environments than their other dogs just by the virtue of their build, thickness of their fur, and genetics. This is why it’s …

Pet Behavior Tips From Houdi's Foodies

5 Tips to Encourage Good Dog Behavior

Create a Routine for your Dog Dogs, like us, are creatures of habit. It’s important to create a routine with your dog and make sure they understand their expectations and activities for the day. Setting a routine like this can help lead to a sense of stability which your dog will appreciate.  Feed Them Well Feeding is an obvious part …

Dog drinking from water bowl

When Dog’s Drink Water It’s Super Weird: Here’s the process

The science behind how dogs drink water actually stumped scientists for a long time. It seems pretty straightforward, right? We can watch them curve their tongues back and splash the water into their mouth almost like a little bowl, but there’s actually a lot more to it than that.  Dogs, like all living things, need water to survive. Now, it’s …